Thursday, March 29, 2012

It's been a while.

I've changed the name of this blog because for one thing, Karen is doing fine on her own now and has been for quite some time. I may or may not post more entries, only time can tell, but I figured since I've already got this set up I should use it. So while she's still got some small challenges due to ongoing visual difficulties and memory loss, it makes more sense to perhaps use this as a public soap box in the future.

One of my hopes is that some day perhaps my opinions will actually be of note to people, so I'm going to at least attempt to do the 'blogger' thing and write for real. We'll see how it goes.

In other news, since I last updated this, I had major abdominal surgery, lost/quit my job (long story), started an ebay store (licensed business even), took some downright awesome vacations, kept working on the ebay store, and gained a lot of weight. Also my dad got very sick over the holidays, but also met a nice lady before that and decided to 'elope' with her (I attended but I nearly didn't get the chance...) so that's kind of a thing now. Crazy what life will throw at you some years. I could use a quiet one or two though.

We're 3 months into an election year and I'm already sick of dodging trolls on The Forums, so we'll see if that lasts or if I get my feet back under me. It promises to be an interesting race at any rate and I'll probably make some entries about it.

Also at some point here I need to finish Skyrim. 250+ hours you'd think I'd have enough and be done, but there's always one... more... dungeon... to explore.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just a quick update

I spoke with Karen a few days ago, and she was doing just fine after her surgery. It was Monday at about 1 pm, and she was released the same day. Dad took her out to dinner because she hadn't eaten for about 24 hours.

She said her eye hurts, but they told her that should only last a couple of days. She doesn't even need an eyepatch, which is pretty cool.

So, hopefully her eye will start working properly at long last, although there is an 80% chance of needing follow up work, although she didn't seem to think it would be as big a deal as this was.

So, Huzzah! She's getting much closer to having everything working again :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Surgery is scheduled!

Greetings, Troupers.

I talked to Karen yesterday, and her eye surgery is finally scheduled for 7/12! She said they actually wanted to do another measurement thing beforehand, but since the next open slot was 8/30, she got them to agree to do it before they do the surgery, on the same day. That will be good, as she is supposed to start teaching on the 30th at TU.

I am hoping to be able to go out and visit and/or lend a helping hand after the surgery, although I hope she and dad won't need me too much, as it is right in the middle of the vacations scheduled at my job - I recently was 'promoted' to working about 30 hours a week, permanently, primarily so I could help cover those. So hopefully they'll manage ok, and I will come visit once my co-workers have all had their breaks.

That's all the news for now that I can think of, so hope everyone is having a great summer!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oh Em Gee, a blog!

Mmmhm. I have not updated this in a while. This is mostly because Karen is kind of living quietly still, but she is doing very well over all. She told me the other day that she met with the surgeon who will be performing her eye surgery, although I'm not sure exactly when that will be. Probably early July, I think. I'm sure it can't come soon enough though for Karen!

She has been out on, I believe, approximately 10 trips with a friend on his Tandem bicycle! She said she has very much enjoyed that both for getting out of the house and for being back 'in the saddle' so to speak. I am happy she has had a good time doing it.

In other K-news, recently her kitty Morgan had a urinary tract infection, so Karen was a bit worried about that, but once she went to the vet and got on some meds, Morgan was doing much much better, which is of course a relief to Karen as well. I guess Morgan has even warmed up to Dad a bit, probably because he bribes her with fishy treats ^_~

Not much else going on with her and Dad, although I am going to Fort Lewis for a few weeks in July, so hopefully that trip goes well. Should hopefully get to see our cousins while I'm there, although it is a working trip. Oh and also I did finally find a part time job delivering car parts here in the Hornell area - it pays some of the bills which is better than losing my UI would have been. Hoping the hours pick up after I get back though. That's about it though.

Also, as I don't get notifications when I get posts on here, please do not click on the Chinese ones, as they are icky spam and I keep forgetting to check and delete them...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Karen asked me to post this

Karen on her bike trainer, doing her PT at home in Ohio.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Slowly progressing

Hey all, thought I'd throw another little update out for you. I spoke with Karen yesterday (as well as Dad later), and they have moved back to Ohio to her house in Fremont. Dad I guess was able to make the drive back okay, so they are safely ensconced at her house for a while.

Karen said that the visual therapist said her eye really won't start to heal itself for another few months, and that they're basically saving the surgery for quite a while, possibly an entire year. She's a little bummed about that because it means she won't be able to drive for quite a while yet, as her eye is no where near corrected enough to allow her to do so safely. Dad is going to stay and help of course, but at some point he needs to come back to NY to take care of some things.

So I might be heading out there sometime in the next month, not sure yet. Anyway she's home at least and I'm sure she'd welcome some phone calls and the like :) - she's working on her dissertation and catching up on some other stuff, but she's not allowed to work full time because she still needs rest.

Hope everyone else is doing well :)


Monday, January 18, 2010

Been a while!

Greetings, Troupers!

Sorry it's been a while between updates, but I have been busy moving into my new house, and also I have extended my time in the Army Reserves, so I've been running around taking care of some things for that. Happily we are almost entirely moved in now, except that we are farm sitting for my in-laws, so we won't really live here until next week. We're looking forward to it, though.

I spoke to Karen yesterday and she is sounding great - she said that she's done with speech therapy now, and just has vision therapy at this point. Not sure how much longer that will go on but probably for a while yet. She and Dad are still staying in Indy and enjoying our grandmother's house, which makes me happy.

I haven't heard a whole lot more from anyone in particular so I guess that means that things are settling back down for everyone, which is good. I hope you all had a good weekend and a good Martin Luther King Day :)